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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Prayer: Anglican Rite

Our eyes behold your grandeur, O God; our feet stand within the gates of your house. Prophets have sung of your mountain, where nations shall come to learn or your ways. From out of Zion your law hs gone forth; out of Jerusalem has proceeded your word. Confessing you to be our judge and redeeemer, we gather to give you honor and praise.

Lift us to the heights of your abode, that we may learn how to make peace here on earth. We hear of swords beaten into plowshares, yet all around lands and peoples are battered by destructive weapons. We know that our spears are not being turned into pruning hooks, but are poised to lash out at others. Turn our national obsession for security into deep concern for the safety and well-being of neighbors around the world. and grant that we may not only claim you as redeeemer but serve you as agents of peace.

As Advent dawns, lead us from this courtyard of praise into paths filled with promise. Brighten our way, and help us to step out boldly in your love. When we venture into places that are hostile or strange, steady our nerves by your Spirit of truth and power. Go with us as we share with others the Advent hope.

Fill us with eagerness that waits for the dawn, curiosity that is willing to explore all truth, and impatience with injustice that refuses to leave till tomorrow the tasks of liberation. Come, Prince of Peace, in whose name we pray.

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