Daily Email

Monday, September 27, 2010

Prayer: Peter Faber, S.J.

Above all seek the aid of the Holy Spirit, an aid that is readily given for those who earnestly pray for it. When hearing confessions be mild and gentle. Never permit yourselves to speak sharply or show repugnance, no matter how uncouth the penitent. Let us take care not to become bored with this sublime and sacred task, we who represent Christ taking away the sins of the world. Let us take care that no sinner who comes to confession (that source of so much good), who kneels before us to be tried, exhorted and judged, faces an ordeal when he approaches us, the vicars of the gentle Christ. Let us beware of acting the haughty disdainful Pharisee, or the angry impatient judge. In fine let us do our utmost to ensure that every penitent leaving the confessional will freely return there.

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