Daily Email

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Prayer: "The Cup of Life" by Joyce Rupp

"... we must have boundaries around the time we need to connect with our deeper selves... Everyone else cannot always come first. We need to value ourselves enough to spread our spiritual wings and receive God's energy. Even Jesus put himself first at those times when he prayed alone or went apart from his ministry so that he could renew his inner resources."

P. 34


  1. Ah....thank you! I'm giving a reflection on Wednesday about the extravagance of being "unbusy" in the crazy busy time of Advent, and this concept of boundedness is helping me along in the process of writing said reflection!

    1. Oh, I'm glad Michelle. Isn't it ironic that Advent is one of the busiest times of the year? And it is a time in which boundaries are crossed left and right.

    2. The evening of reflection was a joy, but you should have seen the looks on people's faces when I suggested the extravagant practice of being "unbusy" around the holiday. The gift we cannot afford (or afford to do without) -- of being unbusy with God.

      Thanks again...

  2. I have sent this to two people who have a great deal on their plates. And I will take it to heart for myself as well. Thank you very much.
