Daily Email

Friday, March 7, 2014

Prayer: Evelyn Underhill

O Lord, penetrate those murky corners where we hide memories and tendencies on which we do not care to look, but which we will not disinter and yield freely up to you, that you may purify and transmute them. The persistent buried grudge; the half-acknowledged enmity which is still smoldering; the bitterness of that loss we have not turned into sacrifice; the private comfort we cling to; the secret fear of failure which saps our initiative and is really inverted pride; the pessimism which is an insult to your joy. O Lord, we bring all these to you and we review them in your steadfast light.


  1. I needed to pray this prayer today. Thank you.

    1. Good. I'm glad it helps, Lynda. We have to get into our our messiness so we can allow God into it.

  2. John, thank you. This prayer meets me where I m today.
    Michael Cedrone

    1. You are welcome, Michael. God is not afraid of the messiness. He shows his greatest emotions there.
